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A miniature banded slate birdstone, collected in Ohio; image credit on full record.
An opposite side view of this miniature Ohio birdstone; image credit on full record.
A "head end" view of this miniature banded slate birdstone; image credit on full record.
A "tail end" view of this miniature slate birdstone; image credit on full record.
An underside view of this miniature birdstone, with collector's annotations and labels; image credit on full record.

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Stone; Birdstone (Miniature), Slate, Banded, Low Slung Head, Ohio, 3 inch.

A miniature slate birdstone. Well banded with a low slung head and no evidence of drilling. Ohio.

p4A Item E8982469
Category:  ancient artifacts    Origin:  Ohio
Type:  stone    Year:  3000 BC - 500

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