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Scrimshaw; Shoehorn, Carved Horn, Figural Finial, Engraved Mermaid, Skull & Crossbones, Figures, 9 inch.

Scrimshaw; Whale Tooth, Anchor & Sailing Ship, Female in Hoop Skirt, 5 inch.

Scrimshaw; Randell (William), Whale Tooth, Sailing Ship, Whaling Scenes, signed 1851, 6 inch.

Scrimshaw; Whale Tooth, Female Portraits, Operatic Costume, 2 Sided, 5 inch.

Scrimshaw; Whale Tooth, Washington & Frigate Hancock, 2 Sided, Resin Reproduction.

Scrimshaw; Busk, Whalebone, Nautical Motifs, House, Pinwheel & Plant, Red Stain, 15 inch.

Scrimshaw; Whalebone, Tool, Whaling Scene, Whale Hunt, Coast & Lighthouse, 6 inch.

Scrimshaw; Whale Tooth, Whaling Scene, Ship, Boats & Whales, 5 inch.

Scrimshaw; Snuff Box, Whale Tooth, Sailing Ship & Swan, Scalloped Brass Collar, 4 inch.

Scrimshaw; Snuff Box, Bone, Oval, Carved Floral Lines, Green & Red Accents, 4 inch.

Cane; Nelson (Horatio), Commemorative, Scrimshaw Handle, Ebonized Shaft, 36 inch.

Scrimshaw; Mcintire (John), Walrus Tusk, Clipper Ship, Whaling Tools, Anchor & Sprigs, 25 inch.

Scrimshaw; Steer Horn (2), Female & Male Portraits, Floral Vine Surround, 16 inch.

Scrimshaw; Busk, Bone, Sailing Ship & Coastline, Go Tell the World America is Free, Red Highlights, 14 inch.

Scrimshaw; Whale Tooth, Carved Eagle Head, Union Must Survive..., 1862, Percy Hale, 7 inch.

Scrimshaw; Whale Tooth, Sailing Ship, Coastal Rocks, 7 inch.

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