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Character Doll (2); Blanc (R), Redware, Male & Female, Peddlers with Products, 10 inch.

Doll; Porcelain, Boy, Victorian Garb, 17 inch.

Mechanical Doll; Cohen (DS), Autoperipatetikos, Walking Doll, Porcelain Head, Clockwork, Box, 10 inch.

China Doll; Lady, Pink, Floral Dress & Lace Yoke, Wood Body, 9 inch.

Bisque Porcelain; Victorian, Piano Baby, Seated, Butterfly, 10 inch.

Porcelain; Child's Set, Palmer Cox, Brownie Transfers, 9 Pieces.

Porcelain?; Japanese, Hina, Emperor & Empress, Seated, Fabric Clothing & Mats, Lacquer Stand, 13 inch.

China Doll; Lady, Painted Eyes, Black Molded Hair, in Taffeta & Lace Dress, 25 inch.

China Doll; Lady, Painted Eyes, Curly Molded Dolley Madison Hair, in Cotton Dress, 21 inch.

China Doll; Lady, Painted Eyes, Black Molded Hair, in Net Dress, 22 inch.

Porcelain; Doll Head, Purple Velveteen Shawl & Enameled Brooch, Acrylic Cube.

China Doll; French, Leather Body, Bisque, 20 inch.

China Doll; German, Molded Head & Hair, Cloth Body, 22 inch.

China Doll; German, Molded Head & Shoulder, 31 inch.

China Doll; German, Frozen Charlotte, Boy, Molded Blonde Hair, 15 inch.

Porcelain; Figure, Piano Baby, Lying Down, Painted Floral Dress, 16 inch.

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