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The US Navy dress uniform of US Navy Captain George Washington Storer including coat and vest; image credit on full record.
Backside of the US Navy dress coat; image credit on full record.
The regulation Navy coat buttons marked W. H. Smith, New York; image credit on full record.
The W. H. Smith mark on the regulation Navy buttons; image credit on full record.
The CAPT. G. W. STORER inscription on the inner right sleeve; image credit on full record.
The Navy buttons on the white linen vest; image credit on full record.
Brass rings on the US Navy uniform; image credit on full record.
The white linen vest with Navy buttons marked F. I. F. & Co., London; image credit on full record.

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Uniform; US Navy, Dress Coat & Vest, Officer, Captain Storer, Pre-Civil War.

The Pre-Civil War naval dress uniform of US Navy Captain George Washington Storer. This is a very fine Naval uniform, typical of the 1840s to 1850s pe... [more detail available via subscription]

p4A Item D9717299
Category:  militaria    Origin:  America
Type:  uniforms    Year:  1845 - 1860

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