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An art glass compote, The Pairpoint Corporation, New Bedford, Massachusetts, 1923 to 1925. Flambeau compote, cherry body decorated with silver overlay, clear bubble ball; image credit on full record.
Overview of art glass compote, The Pairpoint Corporation, New Bedford, Massachusetts, 1923 to 1925, silver overlay; image credit on full record.

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Pairpoint Glass; Compote, Bubble Ball, Cherry & Black, Silver Overlay, 8 inch.

An art glass compote, The Pairpoint Corporation, New Bedford, Massachusetts, 1923 to 1925. Flambeau compote, cherry body decorated with silver overlay... [more detail available via subscription]

p4A Item E8946701
Category:  glass    Origin:  Massachusetts
Type:  pairpoint    Year:  1923 - 1925

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