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Noah's Ark wooden toy, pigeonholed interior three sliding removable doors, Elastolin type animals; image credit on full record.
Noah's Ark wooden toy, pigeonholed interior three sliding removable doors, Elastolin type animals; image credit on full record.
Noah's Ark, pigeonholed interior with three sliding doors installed; image credit on full record.

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Ark; Wood, Paper Lithograph, Pigeonholes, Elastolin Figures, Germany, 3 ft.

Wooden Noah's Ark of colossal proportions. Most likely of German manufacture, circa early 20th century, this impressive and gargantuan ark has a multi... [more detail available via subscription]

p4A Item D9812078
Category:  toys    Origin:  Germany
Type:  arks    Year:  1901 - 1925

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